Live fashion illustrations for Maybelline

Yesterday I had the pleasure of spending the afternoon in Berlin at SisterMAG drawing for the Maybelline event "Be your own makeup artist". My part was to make live fashion illustrations of the beautiful girls (and a couple of boys) that enjoyed perfect personalised professional vanities, good advice (and I guess more than that) from make-up artist like Aennikin , Tuna HoHa and others and, of course, the whole product palette of Maybelline.

Actually I don't really know what exactly was going on around me because I was non-stop drawing. The whole event looked gorgeous, I can tell you that. The offices of SisterMAG are a beauty and the team knows how to make the place even more beautiful and special for every occasion. 

I also did not have time to take photos of my drawings, it was just making one, giving it away and right away starting with the next one. That only one above is of Tuna HoHa, who had the courtesy of sending it to me via Instagram. Thank you girl!

Virginia Romo

Fashion and style illustrator based in Germany, working everywhere. Clients: Dior Parfums, Chanel, Hugo Boss, Guerlain, L’Oréal Paris, Maybelline, Lillet



Illustrations for website