Xmas - editorial illustration

Besides the illustrations I draw for my clients I usually work on personal drawings that tend to be quick and posted daily on my social channels. This is mainly because I don't have much time to invest in them but also because quick sketches is the kind of work I like doing the most and they are like a valve: idea, done, fine, next thing! The fact that the different social platforms want to be fed daily contributes also to this kind of fast drawings instead of more elaborated illustrations as personal projects.

I have much to thank to the series of such drawings that I have been posting over the last two years, especially on Instagram. As I wanted to redirect my business from the general portfolio to fashion and style illustration, those drawings were the material that gave birth to a new portfolio, which was the original content of this website, and which has brought me some new clients with the kind of projects that I love to work on (and at which I am best, I guess).

But I would like to have even more of those clients. So I went to fashion trade fairs, I contacted people over Linkedin and Xing sending them my portfolio. The feedback was good but sort of "oh, yes, very nice drawings". I guess for many it was difficult to imagine how my services could be of any use for them.

So, recently I decided to give myself some commissions of the sort that I wish I had more. Their purpose would be to show how my drawings could find use in the real life and solve the problems that the marketing department of a fashion label or the editor of a women's magazine have. These commissions would be my personal project during a month.

This is how I created two images, complete scenes, not just quick sketches, that can be used in a flexible way, in several layouts for different uses. Above this text you can see one of those images in its layout as commercial material (voucher? flyer? invitation?) and here below is the same image and its parts as editorial content (magazine? catalogue?) I will publish the second image here in a couple of months. If you are curious and want to see it now, you can subscribe to my newsletter because I am sending both with the next issue. Oh, and this image here will be also my Christmas card, so: dear family, you know what you are getting this year.

Virginia Romo

Fashion and style illustrator based in Germany, working everywhere. Clients: Dior Parfums, Chanel, Hugo Boss, Guerlain, L’Oréal Paris, Maybelline, Lillet


Dressember 2016, so far


Sweet and easy. My collaboration with MY Sweet Invitation