Live Sketching in Hamburg for La Prairie

3 drawings in watercolour and fashiion illustration style, depicting 3 guests of a marketing event of La Prairie

It often happens that until I arrive at an event I don't quite know what to expect: is it only for invited guests, will I be in the middle of a shop during normal trade, or will it be a party where my table is next to the DJ's speakers.

This time I knew that the marketing event where I would draw live would take place in the Alsterhaus department store in Hamburg, that the client was La Prairie and that it would be nice if I was dressed in white. I thought we would be next to the La Prairie counter, in the middle of the cosmetics department.

What a wonderful surprise to walk into the rooms that were to be my workplace that afternoon. Two wonderful suites on the fifth floor, on the edge of the Binnenalster, the huge expanse of water reflecting the light that flooded in through the windows that covered the entire width of the rooms. The décor was exquisite. My desk was comfortable and beautiful with its centrepiece of flowers.

I knew before I even started that everything was going to be great: how could I not feel at ease drawing in these conditions?

I spent four hours enjoying the place, the company and my watercolours. Trying to capture in a few minutes the essence of the guests and their fashion sense. I seem to have succeeded, at least with the lady who told me:

"You have seen something in me that I have dreamed of".

Well, what more could I ask for.

To be honest, I was particularly happy with the results of my brushes that afternoon. Now it's going to be difficult to find an event to match this one. But we know: the universe always gives more.

If you also need bespoke illustrations for your project, your merchandising or your product, please don’t hesitate to contact me and ask for a quote. You can see other of my drawings for clients here.

Virginia Romo

Fashion and style illustrator based in Germany, working everywhere. Clients: Dior Parfums, Chanel, Hugo Boss, Guerlain, L’Oréal Paris, Maybelline, Lillet

Personalising merch for BOSS


Drawing for Armani Beauty at the Berlinale