1070 euros for forgotten princesses

heldin für einen tag

I have been telling you in some posts about the charity action initiated by Prinzessin Häberle in which I drew on bags you could get by donating money. Our Prinzessin ran this action only through Facebook and only for 7 days. She collected this way 1070 Euros that were transferred yesterday to the city shelter for women in Stuttgart. The money will be used to provide the women and kids living in that house with some special days away of the dullness of their everyday life. Due to anonymity issues no big publicity about it is allowed, but you can see here the princess herself smiling proud after her accomplished mission.

Virginia Romo

Fashion and style illustrator based in Germany, working everywhere. Clients: Dior Parfums, Chanel, Hugo Boss, Guerlain, L’Oréal Paris, Maybelline, Lillet


I was in the papers :-)

