• Staatliche Modeschule Stuttgart: The show they delivered this year was amazing. It was the third year that I went to see it and I could appreciate a huge improvement. Not that the others were bad, not at all, but this time it was such an explosion of creativity and, somehow, maturity at the same time. I used the occasion to draw some sketches, which is always a challenge: everything happens so quickly. But I managed to note down some of the volumes and colours. Maybe I will show it here one day.
  • Lillet Berry: I guess by now everybody in Germany (at least) knows it. But I drank my first one precisely at the show I mentioned above. I had not heard of it ever (I even thought it could be a misspelled "little") but I ordered it and I loooved it. Won't forget the name. Since then I see it everywhere. There is obviously some campaign going on. Which I welcome. More Lillet!
  • Kühnertová: I mentioned her on one of my first "Month's faves", as I "discovered" her. And this month she is back in my list of faves on another level: I bought the most beautiful blouse from her. The most. The perfect green, a bold partial black floral print and a long black bow on the hip. Imagine. I love it. And I also had a coffee with her, we exchanged our favourite Instagram accounts and many other things. It was delightful. Thank you Lenka!
  • Moj Krojac: That was not the only blouse I bought this month. I got my first tailored button down blouse from Moj Krojac (meaning "my tailor"). Well, my mother used to make all our clothes and that obviously included some blouses. But I had never paid for one. I ordered it online after seeing the quality of the many shirts that my husband has from them. And it came and it fits perfectly. Too bad that their website is not in English for most of you girls. But there is a little British flag on the top... it looks like they might have it one day.
  • Restaurant Lässig: The green blouse had its premiere as I went out on my monthly date with my husband to this restaurant around the corner. Stuttgart people: try it if you have not yet. The food was delicious and the service so so so nice. The luxury on top: being able to drink (that prosecco! and that white wine!) and then have a walk home.
Virginia Romo

Fashion and style illustrator based in Germany, working everywhere. Clients: Dior Parfums, Chanel, Hugo Boss, Guerlain, L’Oréal Paris, Maybelline, Lillet




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