
Some things work really well together, I thought to myself, and I embarked on this little journey of combining fashion illustration with stylish patterns. I wanted to create fresh and feminine images inspired by floral patterns, mostly roses, in a trendy colour palette. You can see the results on my homepage. In line with my licensing work, I even created my own postcards with those images, adding the predominant green tone from my own brand in the best hope that it will trigger the spring to come around. 

You can download* the images to print your own cards, if you want. Just go to my freebies page. This will give you access to all freebies (new ones come monthly), including these postcards.

The freebies are completely free for private use. You don't have to do anything else but clicking on the preview in the freebies page. I imagine though, that if you are doing that it is because you like my work. Then you might have interest in joining my newsletter, featuring my latest projects. If so, please subscribe here. I would love to keep in contact with you that way.

And when you have downloaded and used the image, please share it with me on Instagram!


* By downloading these images you only acquire personal rights for the use of the images as greeting cards. No commercial rights of use of any kind are included

Virginia Romo

Fashion and style illustrator based in Germany, working everywhere. Clients: Dior Parfums, Chanel, Hugo Boss, Guerlain, L’Oréal Paris, Maybelline, Lillet

Bottling jars "Make it - Take it" for Ritzenhoff


Interview for the Ambiente Fair blog at the Ritzenhoff booth