Join my newsletter and win two "My Darling" cups

I was thinking: maybe some of you would like to get my newsletter whenever I release a collection of new drawings and, maybe, you have not seen the link to subscribe or you postponed or forgot to join the mailing list. This might help you to do it now: I will pick one name among all new subscribers and send him or her one set of "My Darling" cups. I told you about this cappuccino and espresso cups in my last blog post

All you have to do is join till August 31st (12 pm Berlin time, Central Europe). The winner's name will be published here and on my Instagram feed on September 2nd.

What you need to know: I send a newsletter every other month or so and it consists mainly of images, almost no text; my newsletter provider is Campaign Monitor, a serious company that takes care the privacy of your mail address. And: I pay the shipping costs for the cups. So: it is easy and safe for you. I hope to see you there. 

Virginia Romo

Fashion and style illustrator based in Germany, working everywhere. Clients: Dior Parfums, Chanel, Hugo Boss, Guerlain, L’Oréal Paris, Maybelline, Lillet

From Stuttgart to Rome. We have a winner.


Making of my darlings